The Injustice Advent Calendar is back and this year it's a better opportunity for charities than ever before.
Once again, we're looking for 24 actions that do three things...
- Make the world a better place (e.g. tackle injustice)
- Are free for supporters to take part in (e.g. no donation ask)
- Take less than 5 minutes to complete
These actions will be sent, one each day during advent, to the IAC email list. There are currently over 11,000 committed action takers on board from previous years, but with this year's promotion still to happen you can expect many more.
New for 2023
This year, we're partnering with digital mobilisation agency, More Onion, to make the Injustice Advent Calendar an even better tool for growing your support base.
They've provided a healthy advertising budget and their digital expertise to make sure that the 20+ charities in this year's calendar have thousands of new potential supporters to get their actions in front of this year. This page is running on Impact Stack – the campaigning and fundraising platform made by More Onion.
What kind of actions work best?
You can ask participants to remember something, learn something, plan something, sign something, send an email, text a friend... anything you want.
If you've got an idea that might fit, fill in a few details here (no need to be exact) and we'll get back to you by email as soon as we can!
To get a full idea of what the IAC is, which actions work best and more, check out the Partner Guide here.
We'll close this form at the end of the day on Friday 6th October. Places won't be on a first come first served basis but an early application increases your chances because we do lock in some actions early to help with planning.