Sponsor a producer group

Get started

Just £18 a month is all it takes to sponsor a producer group and follow their journey as they live out fair trade principles and support their communities in the most difficult circumstances.

Which group will you choose?

Here's how it works...

Choose your group

Your journey supporting producers around the world starts with a choice: which group will you follow over 
time to see the kind of impact your donation can have?

Journey with them

We’ll share the ups and downs of what it’s really like to be a producer group operating fairly in the most challenging circumstances. You’ll see what difference your support can make and follow the story as it happens.

Succeed together

The trade system is stacked against producers, but the goal here is to support them to build strong, stable and self-sufficient businesses that power their communities forward for the long term.

Please note: Your producer sponsorship donation will be used to support producers where the need is greatest. That means it will support the group of your choosing plus many others like them. It will also help fund Transform Trade's general work fighting for a fairer trade system.