Share S Sathya's story

 "I took this photo to show the setup of homeworkers. The lady sewing in the background is older, and because of her age she gets only 200 rupees today, whereas others get 250. Normally I am too busy to worry about things, because I am working, but when I hear such stories I worry for my own future."  S Sathya, homeworker, India.

Homeworkers are fashion's hidden workforce. With no minimum wage, no guarantee of work, no maternity pay, no pensions – their working conditions and pay are some of the worst in the industry.

Clothing companies rely on the hard work of people like S Sathya - we need them to take action to ensure that these vital workers have these essential rights. 

Homeworkers in India are campaigning for formal rights and benefits, like pensions, maternity leave, and sick pay. 

No one should have to worry for their future. Stand with homeworkers and share S Sathya's story with fashion companies.*


*Please note: The women featured in this campaign are not necessarily making clothes for the brands we are targeting. However the stories you send are representative of the experiences of homeworkers around the world.

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