Fix fashion's buying problem 

Tell your MP: we need a Fashion Watchdog

Sticking to contracts, fulfilling orders, paying what is owed - all standard ways to do business. Unless the business is fashion. 

Then the common practice is to break contracts, cancel and change orders, and refuse to pay the agreed amount.  

This creates a sector where workers are underpaid, face harassment and unsafe working conditions.

This can change. The UK Government must set up a Fashion Watchdog to tackle abusive buying practices, and hold companies to account. 

Under the last Government, 10% of MPs recognised the need for a Fashion Watchdog. But with a change in Government, new MPs need to be made aware of these problems - and commit to helping fix them.

Email your MP and ask them to back a Fashion Watchdog to fix fashion’s buying problem. 

Who is signing up?

  • Val B 02.03.2025 17:27
  • Elaine d V 24.02.2025 14:20
  • jane k 19.02.2025 14:03
  • Dawn H 18.02.2025 11:12
  • Kathryn B 15.02.2025 14:24
  • Simon L 14.02.2025 13:44